Yoga is a constant practice of remaining calm and centered. An opportunity for quiet focus that can leave you feeling balanced for the rest of the day. Pay attention to how your mind reacts in each moment on your mat. Put aside ego and expectations. Use what you learn on the mat - balance, focus, peace - to meet situations and challenges off the mat, while staying true to yourself and your values.

Find that deep connection to your breath, your priorities, your true self and allow it to help you connect deeply with others. 





Only 2 spots available! Join me at a spectacular estate on a private beach on Magens Bay in St. Thomas for the next yoga retreat February 26 - March 1, 2020.



Monday 12-1:15 advanced - Studio Oxygen
Tuesday 9:45-11 flow - Studio Oxygen
Thursday 9:45-11 flow - Soul Tribe Yoga
Saturday 8:15-9:30 flow - Studio Oxygen
